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Bismarck Brown Y stains acid mucins, mast cell granules, cartilage, and DNA in histological samples.

Bismarck Brown Y is used in cytology as a stain, particularly in Papanicolaou stain, to differentiate cellular components. It helps highlight specific structures like acid mucins and mast cell granules.

Bismarck Brown Y is prepared through a diazo coupling reaction. The process involves the double diazotization of 1,3-phenylenediamine, which further reacts with additional phenylenediamine molecules. This results in a mixture of azo compounds, forming the dye.

Bismarck Brown Y is employed as a counterstain in Papanicolaou stain (PAP) It helps in differentiating and highlighting the cellular components, particularly by staining the background and cytoplasmic elements to enhance the contrast of the main stain.

 The Color Index (CI) number for Bismarck Brown Y is CI 21000.

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