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Bismuth sulfide is used as a starting material for producing other bismuth compounds and in various applications in electronics, thermoelectrics, and semiconductors.

Bismuth sulfide (Bi₂S₃) is insoluble in sodium hydroxide (NaOH). It does not dissolve in alkaline solutions, as it is generally insoluble in acids and bases.

Bismuth sulfide is generally considered low in toxicity, but its safety depends on the exposure level. It should be handled with care, avoiding inhalation or ingestion.

Bismuth sulfide is formed by reacting bismuth(III) salts with hydrogen sulfide or by heating elemental bismuth and sulfur together in an evacuated tube at high temperatures.

The ore of Bi₂S₃ (Bismuth(III) sulfide) is bismuthinite, a naturally occurring mineral composed mainly of bismuth and sulfur.

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