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Prussian Blue is a deep blue pigment, while Prussian White is a white powder. Both are iron-based compounds, but Prussian White is a sodium-rich form of Prussian Blue. While Prussian Blue is well-known, Prussian White is gaining attention for its potential in energy storage, particularly in sodium-ion batteries.

Prussian White, also known as Berlin White or Everett’s Salt, is a white powder that is a sodium-rich form of Prussian Blue. It’s composed of sodium, iron, carbon, and nitrogen. This compound is gaining significant attention for its potential as a cathode material in sodium-ion batteries due to its low cost, non-toxicity, and high energy density.

The theoretical capacity of Prussian White (Na2Fe[Fe(CN)6]) is approximately 170 mAh/g. This high capacity, coupled with its low cost and non-toxicity, makes it a promising cathode material for sodium-ion batteries.

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